Hello, I’m Shota Eda

Business Designer,IDEO Tokyo

江田 翔太

IDEO Tokyo のビジネスデザイナーを務める。新規事業の創造から大企業の研究開発の事業化まで、世の中の変化やテクノロジーの進歩を捉えながら、新たな価値を創造することに情熱を抱く。

IDEO に参画する前は、Google で営業部門やアジアの経営企画部門に従事した後、Alphabet グループの研究開発機関 X で、事業開発をリード。また、在学時には、自ら教育事業の立ち上げを経験する。


Shota is a Business Designer at IDEO Tokyo. From early stage startups right through to research & development of established companies, Shota is most passionate in value creation by deeply understanding both the shift in user demand and innovation across technologies. 

Before joining IDEO, Shota was in charge of business creation at one of the confidential projects at X, the moonshot factory of Alphabet. Prior to X, Shota worked in the Strategy and Sales divisions of Google within Asia. He also has his own personal experience with launching an educational service as a side project.

Shota holds a B.A. in Law from the University of Tokyo. He spent the first few years of his childhood in Guam, and you can still feel a sense of his tropical upbringing when he plays the guitar.

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