Hello, I’m Rhianna Davies

Visual Communications Designer,IDEO Tokyo


IDEO Tokyoでビジュアル・コミュニケーション・デザイナーを務め、グラフィックデザインを通してコンセプトに命を吹き込むために、体系的なストーリーテリングを使用することに心を注ぐ。リサーチ、共感、理解に深く根ざしたデザイン言語の創造に努めている。



Rhianna is a Visual Communications Designer at IDEO Tokyo. Her work focuses on using systematic storytelling to bring concepts to life through graphic design. She strives to create design languages that have strong roots in research, empathy and understanding.

After graduating with a BA in Graphic Design from Ravensbourne University London, Rhianna worked for 5 years for a range of global brands across identities, spaces, experiences and print.

Having recently moved to Tokyo, she is looking forward to exploring Japan in her free time as much as possible and discovering art, cultural heritage sites and traditional crafts. You might often spot her cycling around the local neighborhood on her beloved bike.

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