Hello, I’m Ted Matsumoto

Senior Business Development Lead,IDEO Tokyo

松本 哲郎

IDEO Tokyoのシニア・ビジネス・デベロップメント・リード。クライアントの事業成長と組織変革を支援することを通じて、日本社会にポジティブなインパクトをもたらすことをミッションとしている。



Ted is a Senior Business Development Lead at IDEO Tokyo. He aspires to create positive impact in the Japanese market through helping clients’ business growth and influencing organizational change.

Before joining IDEO, he helped international and domestic clients in developing their marketing and communication strategies, launching B2C products, and nurturing strong, sustainable brands as a strategic planner at Hakuhodo Inc. Ted also has experience designing strategies for inbound tourism and organizational change as a management consultant at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting.

Ted holds an MBA from the Globis University Graduate School of Management, and has studied architectural design at Keio University. He enjoys training for triathlons and concocting the perfect dinner salad.

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